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Insights Paper: Older Residents in Legacy Stock

This Paper presents insights drawn from the Ability Roundtable’s extensive data on Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), which it collects as part of its annual sector wide SIL benchmarking. It complements the Roundtable’s Supported Independent Living (SIL) Insights White Paper, based on 2021-22 financial year SIL benchmarking data.

The findings of this Paper reveal a large cohort of older participants living in dated housing, more commonly known as ‘legacy stock’ or ‘group homes’, particularly in metropolitan and regional centres, which is owned by State and Territory governments, and operated by SIL providers.

There is an opportunity for a national conversation between the Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability and Housing Ministers, the sector and participants to address this legacy issue.

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