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Established in 2013, the Ability Roundtable fosters innovation and service improvement by providing a confidential and trusted platform for disability service providers to benchmark their services across Australia.


Ability Roundtable is Australia's largest and longest running disability services benchmarking group with more than 70 members representing over $6billion in revenue.


The opportunity for participating organisations to uncover and share innovations and service improvements rapidly accelerates efficiency and effectiveness of services, leading to better service outcomes for customers.



Our vision is a disability sector that creates and captures value through data-driven communities of practice. These communities of practice will drive innovation and service improvement at a rate that cannot be achieved by organisations working in isolation. This in turn will lead to better outcomes and better value for people with disability and their families.


The Ability Roundtable is an important source of truth regarding the barriers and enablers experiences by disability service providers.


The Ability Roundtable hosts a number of benchmarking activities across different service types. This includes NDIS Core Supports, Allied Health (therapy supports), and Home & Living. The Roundtable collects, analyses, and publishes comparative information to help improve operational practice. Benchmark metrics are designed in partnership with members, and include:

•    Financial metrics
•    Client and workforce metrics
•    Business and service performance metrics

•    Quality and Outcome metrics​

Through our improvement group model members gain insight into the drivers of service success, which they can then incorporate into their operations. Shared learning between members is facilitated through national meetings, detailed reports, online analytics reports, webinars, and teleconferences to share learnings and to link benchmarked data to real world experience.


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